Semalam 6.12.11 (Selasa) dapat tengok dah filem Ombak Rindu.
Waahh.. Sudah sekian lama saya tak jejak kaki ke cinema.. tapi semalam tetiba boleh pergi pulak. Dalam sibuk leh lagi curi masa pergi.
Cite ombak rindu ni.. nape saya nak tengok sangat coz bila baca novelnya kita dah beremosi.. n bila tengok lagi le.. dengar lagunya pun dah rasa sebak haha..
Citenya mmg best.. tapi biasalah semua kerja manusia kan.. mana ada yang sempurna..
tahun 2011 ni la kali pertama saya tengok wayang.. haha.. nasib lah ye..
If you're looking to lose fat then you absolutely have to start following this brand new tailor-made keto meal plan.
BalasPadamTo produce this service, certified nutritionists, fitness couches, and top chefs united to develop keto meal plans that are powerful, convenient, economically-efficient, and satisfying.
Since their first launch in early 2019, hundreds of clients have already completely transformed their body and well-being with the benefits a certified keto meal plan can give.
Speaking of benefits; clicking this link, you'll discover 8 scientifically-tested ones given by the keto meal plan.